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 Word Of Mouth London was set up in 2018 to document London's spoken word scene, showcasing the UK's leading spoken word poets and giving them a platform to share their work. Since its birth, it has thrown its own events, produced its first video series titled 'The Cirlce Of Strife' which has clocked up over 30'000 organic video views.

George Lawrence | The Revolution Will Not Be Televised 2.0

George Lawrence | The Revolution Will Not Be Televised 2.0

Vol 1. Chapter 1. Punk Politics George Lawrence talks about the state of affairs regarding misinformation and data mining from Cambridge Analytica. Poem: The revolution will not be televised As we are ill-advised Media's mantra is pushed by philistines To vilify and caramelise their villainy So we enjoy a sweet taste when they fill us with lies The narcissists will rise The nihilist complies The anarchist can't decide Which side to support Until they're brought Given all you can eat data In exchange for their freedom our thoughts Fraudulent data harvest That targets our catharsis Vanquishing our inner Marxist Unveiling the darkest Propaganda that propagates Profits by drilling into the cavities of our misplaced anger Appealing to the vanity of our nostalgia We've seen stranger things it seems Towards the tragedy of a Shakespearean wet dream. Made defunct Digitally drunk Can't take a stand against the tie wearing cyberpunks Like Robert mercer who read necromancer and blueprinted a rose-tinted election And those who are minted are sadistic in manipulation Creating a PR Contest Armed to the teeth with algorithms To vote against your interest Popping a populist conditions But I guess you should of Should of read the terms and conditions How's the cesspool of fake information You threw us into? Are you more financially successful? Slightly less fearful? Don't scorn at my questions Look cheerful Was promised diamond exit, but got annoyed when it revealed to be topaz Whereas, our last line of defence is keeping the net neutral,free and formless like jazz And if we don’t Next time we login we will be entering Alcatraz Because the NSA emerge from the crevice To Hear what you say provide a service To stockpile your shame Go from big data to big brother To why the hell should we even bother When we’re molded into plastic people With a needle in our cerebral Lobotomised and drained out our chemicals Vandalise ourselves so we no longer feel equal To celebs that hand sanitizer Erect a great firewall causing a great digital divide And if I had to talk about my generation It will be tape up your webcam cause your going out live And how privacy represents a burnt hard drive So Unplug Tune in And stay outside The revolution will not be televised Because it will stir in places like this A landslide emotion of injustice that you will not dismiss Pucker up your lips and give this government a death kiss. Please follow and support the movement Website: Instagram @wordofmouthLDN Facebook:

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